Doctors Hospital of Manteca Bariatrics Team Presents at ACS Safety Conference
Aug 19, 2022The bariatrics team at Doctors Hospital of Manteca had the special honor of presenting during this year’s American College of Surgeons (ACS) Quality and Safety Conference, which was held in Chicago. The team was 1 of only 13 from across the country selected to present.
Congratulations to Erin Bashaw and Amy Briggs for their incredible work on this project. Their research was selected for the virtual poster session because the hospital has created a unique surgical service line that promotes access to care, and demonstrates high quality outcomes while promoting health to an underserved population that would be denied elective surgery based on size.
The results of the team’s retrospective review demonstrated that High BMI Weight Loss Surgery can be safely performed at a small community hospital with a specialized team and dedicated equipment for patients of size.