Preparing for a Procedure

All surgical patients will be screened through our pre-surgical service at least 72 hours before their procedure and will be asked to remain strictly confined to their home with the exception of medical visits between the screening and their procedure and during the post-op period to reduce the risk of patients having complications related to a new diagnosis of COVID during their procedure or recovery.

Your surgeon will review with you the risks, benefits and alternatives of proceeding with surgery during the pandemic and document that in the hospital chart.

How can I protect myself from COVID-19 before the procedure?

Please continue to take CDC recommended actions to protect yourself, including washing your hands often with soap and water, social distancing and wearing a face covering in public spaces. We also recommend self-monitoring your temperature daily for up to 7 days before your procedure. The majority of COVID-19 patients become symptomatic 5 to 7 days after infection.

How is the hospital keeping staff safe so they do not infect me?

All staff in the perioperative workflow have tested negative for COVID-19. When outside of the work environment, they are minimizing exposure to other community members to reduce the chance they will contract COVID-19. They are monitored daily for any signs or symptoms of COVID. OR teams will follow current practices to reduce spread of aerosolized particles (e.g., N95 masks, post-intubation 20 min delay prior to incision) and N95 masks will be made available to all members of the OR team.

How can I limit my time in the hospital?

Please follow instructions for preparing for your scheduled care and arrive at the time requested. If you arrive early, you may be asked to wait outside in your vehicle. Hospital staff will make every effort to be efficient before, during and after your care, including arranging prescreening by phone and post-care virtual visits. This will reduce your time in the hospital.