
Patient may take necessary heart or blood pressure medications with a sip of water at routine times before any exam. All patients over 18 having an MRI with contrast need a current creatine level. 


  • Pacemakers
  • Pregnancy
  • Weight over 660 lbs
  • Artificial heart valves
  • Cerebral Aneurysm Clips

If YES to any of the following, please call Manteca Imaging Center (209) 823-1504.

  • Are you claustrophobic?
    • You may request medication from your doctor.
    • If medicated, arrange for a ride home. 
  • Have you been a sheet metal worker, welder, or mechanic?
  • Do you have metallic foreign bodies in the eyes?
  • Do you have a medical implant of any type?
    • All patients must provide a medical card describing the type of implant
    • All patients with heart stents must be scanned at the hospital

Exam Preparations

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